Haima Press Releases

MARCH 27, 2023. Haima Therapeutics Announces the Appointments of Dr. Matthew Neal as Chief Medical Officer and Dr. Stephen Flaim as Board Member

FEBRUARY 1, 2023. Haima Therapeutics integral part of DAPRA FSHARP $46M project to develop a shelf-stable whole blood surrogate

NOVEMBER 23, 2020. Haima Therapeutics Announces the Appointment of Dr. Wolfgang Bergmeier and Dr. Beth Shaz to its Scientific Advisory Board

SEPTEMBER 30, 2020. Haima Therapeutics receives $3M from the U.S. Department of Defense to study its Synthetic Platelet Technology in combination with Other Blood Surrogate Products

JULY 14, 2020. Haima Co-Founder, Anirban Sen Gupta, receives $3.8M grant from the DoD to support the development of SynthoPlate in collaboration with Haima Therapeutics and University of Pittsburgh

APRIL 27, 2020. Haima Therapeutics licenses synthetic platelet technology from Case Western Reserve University for hemostatic therapy

APRIL 16, 2020. Haima Therapeutics Receives Phase II SBIR award from the National Science Foundation to Develop its SynthoPlate Product

NOVEMBER 20, 2019. Haima Therapeutics Announces the Appointment of Dr. Timothy Pelura as Independent Board Member and Executive Advisor

JUNE 1, 2018. Haima Therapeutics Receives Phase I SBIR award from the National Heart, Lung, And Blood Institute of the National Institutes of Health to Develop its SynthoPlateTM Product

SEPTEMBER 5, 2018. Cleveland, OH. Haima Therapeutics Receives Phase I SBIR Contract from Department of Defense US Army to Develop its SynthoPlate Product

MAY 29, 2018. Case Western Reserve and Haima Therapeutics sign option license to develop SynthoPlate